Five workplace taboos and how you can tackle them

However inclusive the workplace is, some topics can be tough to discuss. Are you worried your employees might have concerns they aren’t talking about?

We explore five workplace taboos and what you can do to break the stigma.

A woman in a white shirt at a desk. Her finger is pressed to her mouth implying 'shhh'.

1. The menopause

Listen to the Clear Company’s podcast on starting a conversation about menopause.

ClearTalents at work helps women self-disclose menopausal symptoms and can help you to identify reasonable adjustments that may help.

2. Talking about diversity

There’s an important distinction between diversity and inclusion.

A diverse workforce has a breadth of employees from diverse backgrounds of different ages, sexual preferences and abilities.

A genuinely inclusive workplace embraces a culture where people can bring their authentic selves to work and gives them the tools to perform at their best.

However, there’s evidence that some avoid discussing diversity in the workplace for fear of getting it wrong. We believe it’s vital to keep the conversation going.

ClearTalents is designed around the 9 protected characteristics in The Equality Act 2010.

3. Mental Health

Everyone has mental health. However, mental illness is hard to discuss, and a perceived stigma is attached. It’s also often a disability that’s invisible.

Yet, according to the Mental Health Foundation, almost one in seven of us has experience of mental illness.

Nearly half of UK workers are close to burnout.

4. Ill-health and long-term conditions

ClearTalents At Work enables employees to self-disclose long-term conditions.

5. Caring responsibilities


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