The Challenge

CGI wanted to ensure that employees were comfortable at work and that they complied with Display Screen Equipment regulations. They were concerned that their existing reasonable adjustment process was unclear and not always applied consistently.

ClearTalents DEI Solution

Working with CGI, ClearTalents invited every employee to create an online diversity profile. Employees were encouraged to consider if they found typical working methods such as pen and paper, computers or travel challenging and to simply select statements they could relate to. Based on the information shared the solution then advised the employee and their Line Manager on the changes they could make to improve the way they work.

Award-winning Impact

CGI and ClearTalents were delighted when CGI won the CIPD award for their ‘Health and Wellbeing Strategy’ in which ClearTalents played an integral part and was described as ‘outstanding’ by CIPD judges.

CGI has since reported a significant reduction in their long-term sickness premiums, they continue to enjoy increased productivity and retention along with a reduction in avoidable sickness absence (such as cases of anxiety that can be managed through the expert advice within the ClearTalents solution ensuring employees are appropriately supported preventing the need for absence)

What CGI says

“It is very comprehensive, very well organised and always available. People can share very personal information and feel comfortable disclosing this online. I can see the overall organisation numbers from the reports created to see how many adjustments have been addressed. It really meets our needs as we are so geographically spread, onsite, offices, home workers etc.

My own focus as Health and Wellbeing Manager is on tackling the main risks to the health and wellbeing of our 5,000+ employees, particularly mental health, poor ergonomics and the physical health risks arising from sedentary lifestyles. ClearTalents At Work provides a great picture of the overall organisation health while allowing me to drill down into the detail when needed. ClearTalents At Work is a key component of CGI’s award-winning health and wellbeing strategy.’

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